William Howard Taft

(Taft, William Howard)

Taft got stuck in the bath tub and needed aid from 6 people to free him.  A bath tub large enough to fit 4 men was then installed (10 Interesting Facts About William Taft).

(Histeria! William Howard Taft - Theme From Taft - YouTube)

Taft and Roosevelt weren't very good friends after Taft was President (Taft, William Howard).

Taft didn't want to become President and it was his wife and Roosevelt that pushed him into it.  Taft wasn't a very strong leader and thought of the Presidency in a different way then most other Presidents.  When Taft was thinking about what a President is, this is what he thought, "I think he ought to have very great influence, because he is made responsible to the people for what the party does, and if the party is wise, it will bend to his leadership as long as it is tolerable, and especially where it is in performance of promises that the party has made in its platform and on the faith of which it must be assumed to have obtained its power" (Korzi, Michael J).  Taft was "an insignificant leader" (Korzi, Michael J).  Also agreeing, Robert Donohue said, "He was not noted for much of anything" and "He was probably one of the least known Presidents we have had" (Donohue, Robert). Taft was not successful because if he was people would have remembered him and reelected him and the Republican Party would not have divided over him.  Taft thought he was successful in certain areas, such as the tariff, but he was with the minority of people who felt that way.  Each president is going to think they are successful in some ways, but they are going to find out if they really were when it comes time for reelection and they do or don't get reelected.